Friday 11 March 2016

How to Treat Swollen Lymph Glands

How to Treat Swollen Lymph Glands

The lymphatic system contains lymph glands to which lymph nodes (the small cellular organs) are founds. A network of very complex blood vessels is found in the lymphatic system which serves to transport the immune cells to cleanse the body. In this system, the lymph nodes help in defending the body. Lymph nodes are found in every part of the body and easily visible in the neck and armpits. They fight against the diseases found in your body and make your immune system strong and resistant by producing antibodies. The condition when lymph nodes strongly fight, it becomes swallow and cause pain. You can get rid of the bacteria and viruses that swallow the lymph nodes using natural remedies.
how to treat swollen lymph glands
Echinacea is a plant most probably used to make medicines and is greatly effect through making home remedy from this plant. It has been proved that Echinacea increases the capacity in the immune system to strongly defend from the virus and infections. It is advised to drink one tbsp. of Echinacea per cup of water three times a day. Otherwise Echinacea tincture is also available so take three tsp of it three times a day.

Another useful herb is Astragalus that helps in cleansing the lymphatic system. In china, this herb is most preferable and is called “huang qi” that means life energy. You can buy this herb as tablets, tincture or capsules. It is better to follow the instructions prescribed by the doctor.

Goldenseal (hydrastis Canadensis) is another amazing herb which naturally makes you relief from pain. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps in removing the mucus from the lungs. It’s a powerful herb for those people who cannot quit smoking. The functions of this herb are to kill parasites, relieve pain, stimulates the muscle activity and digestion. Add half tsp of Goldenseal in a cup of water and drink three cups daily. You can optionally take half tsp of tincture of this herb three times a day.

Garlic is also known to be as a natural antibiotic. Cooked garlic will lose its antibiotic properties so it is important to know how to eat it in this condition. You will need to mix raw garlic with other ingredients as it can make the acidic problem. It is recommended to do garlic remedy immediately after seeing the first sign of illness as much as you can.

Before eating garlic, crush it well. Put few drops of oil on a napkin then add three cloves of garlic wrap it in the tissue then crush them. Apply this on your neck or chest so in this way the antibiotic will effect faster in the blood vessels and lymph nodes. Hold the area with compress as long as you can endure the garlic smell. In case of irritation, remove the compress and wipe out the area.

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